How to Run an Effective Virtual Meeting

For now, virtual meetings have become a part of most office manager’s days. But, if your office is used to face-to-face meetings, it’s probably been a challenge. As you transition to virtual mode, many challenges are going to come up. The intimacy of a “real” meeting invites collaboration and bonds between co-workers. Creating that virtually can be tricky.

Here are some basic tips:

1. Make sure everyone knows how to use technology. 

Be patient with people as they learn how everything works. Make sure everyone knows how to join the meeting remotely. Maybe even have some one-on-one practice sessions as everyone tries to adjust to the new way you’re doing things.

2. Work with your team to come up with, and then agree to rules for meetings. 

Here are some ideas to start:

  • Don’t multitask during meetings (the level of distraction is much higher).
  • Find a quiet space to set up. 
  • Know how to use your mute button.
  • Know how to get the moderator’s attention if you have a question or something to say.

3. Test your setup in advance of each meeting. 

Expect things to go wrong. Have a backup plan.

4. Have an agenda, and share it in advance. 

If someone is scheduled to share their screen, make sure everyone has a copy of the document, and as the facilitator, be prepared to share the document on your screen if necessary.

  • Make the purpose of the meeting clear.
  • State any objectives that should be completed by the end of the meeting.
  • List who’s doing what for the meeting (see #6 below)
  • Reiterate the rules your team has agreed to.

5. Share your love of the mute button. 

It goes along with making sure everyone knows how to use the technology. At the top of each meeting, remind everyone to have their microphone on mute unless they’re speaking. Some software, like Zoom, allows the meeting host to control each participant’s microphone.

6. Get better engagement

Having an agenda is necessary for any successful meeting. With virtual meetings, however, more thought is required. Better engagement happens when the responsibility is shared among different people who take turns in distinct roles. 

  • You’ll need a facilitator who plans and then facilitates the meetings. 
  • Next, you need someone to take notes. This person will be responsible for emailing every attendee immediately after the meeting.
  • Then, you will need someone to handle technical support when troubleshooting is required. 
  • Finally, you should have someone keeping time.

7. Use some virtual brainstorming

Create activities that mirror those of your more traditional meetings. Online tools exist for brainstorming, voting, feedback, and energizers. Designing and then facilitating these things virtually will take practice, but it keeps participants engaged.

8. Start meetings with a virtual icebreaker. 

Really anything you might use in an in-person meeting will work. Anything that will build trust will build engagement.

9. Evaluate what went right, and what needs improvement.

So, for now, virtual meetings are a necessary component in getting things done. Working together in a collaborative way instead of trying to exert control will work wonders and keep virtual meetings effective and efficient.

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