The Seven Sneakiest Places Germs are Hiding in Your Office

Perhaps the easiest way for germs to get from their hiding places into your body is by way of your hands. Think about it. Everyone in the office is touching everything in the course of an average day. Then, when people rub their eyes, scratch their noses, or put food into their mouths, those sneaky germs have found a way inside someone’s body. Hopefully, it’s not yours.

Researchers at the University of Arizona conducted a study in an office on campus to determine how fast germs can spread. There were 80 participants, and one random person’s hand was infected with a trio of harmless viruses that mimicked the common cold, the flu, and a stomach bug. After four hours, the researchers discovered that the virus was on 50% of the surfaces in the office and half the employees had become infected with at least one of the viruses. 

“Most people think it’s coughing and sneezing that spreads germs, but the number of objects you touch is incredible,” said Charles Gerba, a UA Professor, and investigator in the study.

The seven sneakiest places germs are hiding in your office (often in plain sight)

  • Phones, specifically your smartphone, but this goes for your desk phone too. Studies show that an average person taps their cell phone up to 2,600 times per day. Plus, when you’re talking to someone, it’s right there next to your face. Clean yours regularly!
  • Coffee cups and other communal coffee supplies. It’s best to bring your own mug to work and clean it yourself.
  • That coffee pot in the break room. From day-to-day, the coffee pot usually just gets a quick rinse, so the inside can be harboring germs. The main problem, however, is the handle. Someone should be washing out the pot daily and sanitizing the handle frequently.
  • The Photocopier. It’s one of the places that most people in the office touch at one time or another. Wipe down those surfaces regularly!
  • Your keyboard and mouse. Wipe them down often.
  • Your office desk. Studies show that desks can have up to 400 times more germs than a toilet seat. That’s 20,000 bacteria per square inch! We recommend office managers require that employees clear off their desks at the end of each day so those surfaces can be cleaned properly.
  • Door handles and light switches. Something everyone touches and nobody thinks anything of it. Sanitize them at least daily!

When those same researchers repeated the study a second time, they passed out tissues, disinfecting wipes, and hand sanitizer. They also instructed everyone to wash their hands before eating and after large meetings. The result? The likelihood of becoming infected dropped below 10%.

It’s one thing to wipe down all these commonly touched surfaces (and you should) but the best way to avoid getting sick is to wash your hands frequently or use hand sanitizer. Don’t allow those germs into your body!

Even though your office gets professionally cleaned regularly – it’s up to you to keep surfaces around you clean on a daily (or even continual) basis.

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