Blog (Page 4)

According to Recruit Loop, Most employees consider their workplaces as a second home and as such, you need to focus your efforts on keeping it clean and tidy. By keeping the work environment well-maintained, you’re allowing your employees to be productive, efficient, and more importantly, happy. Considering that the average person spends around 8Read More →

5 1. Write down everything you’ve done up until this moment. A “Done” list can inspire more action. 2. Braindump everything that needs to happen by the end of the week. (Braindumping is simply a more catchy phrase for writing out everything in your head) 3. Prioritize your list. 4. Delegate at leastRead More →

3 Ways to Inspire Your Office: 1. Treat the team to lunch. Nothing says, “You did great!” like a sandwich tray. Be sure to be purposeful about it – tie it to a recent accomplishment. Recognized behavior gets repeated. 2. Make your rounds. Talk to your employees 1:1 about their personal lives, just quickRead More →